FAQ - Advertisers
How many families does Wake Community Flyers reach?
Wake Community Flyers reaches every family that has provided an email to WCPSS and hasn't opted out of the service. With over 160,000 students and their families in WCPSS that is a large number of people that could benefit from learning about your services.
Do you offer advertising discounts to nonprofits?
Yes! Nonprofits that show proof of nonprofit status via an IRS determination letter or being listed in the IRS Tax Exempt Organization listing, are charged $25 per flyer per school in the basic advertising package. That is $10 off of the regular price. There are no discounts on the extra services provided.
Do advertisers have to provide a youth-oriented service or product to advertise?
All advertisers must meet the below criteria to follow WCPSS board policy on flyer distribution. There are no exceptions, so please review prior to utilizing this service.
  • Be a local, state, or federal government agency and department;
  • Be a non-profit organization that offers educational, recreational, cultural, or character development activities or programs for school-aged children, including but not limited to scouts, YMCA or YWCA, organized youth sport leagues, etc.;
  • School/Business partnerships or incentive programs that directly enhance or support the school's educational program; and
  • Community colleges, universities, and other non-profit institutions of higher education.

Do you provide a designer to create our ads?
Not currently, but we are willing to review paid advertiser's ad design and provide feedback. For design questions contact us at lifelonglearning@wcpss.net or by calling 919-694-0557.
How can I unsubscribe from receiving messages about the flyer distribution service?
Send an email to lifelonglearning@wcpss.net and in the message state, "Remove from receiving messages about Wake Community Flyers." Or you can call (919)694-0557.
Will the advertisers that have selected the Virtual/Online category show up in the zip codes filter searches?
Yes! Our system has been set up to show those that select the Virtual/Online category in all zip code searches.
Does my youth-oriented business qualify to advertise?
Most businesses that offer youth-oriented services fall under the third bullet below if they include an incentive to WCPSS families on their flyer. This could be a financial discount, sibling discount, materials included, lunch provided, etc. It is completely up to you. Call or email if you are unsure.
  • Be a local, state, or federal government agency and department;
  • Be a non-profit organization that offers educational, recreational, cultural, or character development activities or programs for school-aged children, including but not limited to scouts, YMCA or YWCA, organized youth sport leagues, etc.;
  • School/Business partnerships or incentive programs that directly enhance or support the school's educational program; and
  • Community colleges, universities, and other non-profit institutions of higher education.

 FAQ - WCPSS Families
Why does Wake County Public School System offer this digital flyer distribution service?
WCPSS schools have received a record amount of flyer distribution requests from local businesses and organizations. Most of these flyers provide valuable information but the cost of printing and time to approve and distribute means the community may not get this information. We are filling this void and taking the responsibility off the schools, saving our community businesses and organizations money in time and printing. Our hope is that this monthly informative email service shares local community resources and services that benefit families in Wake County and the surrounding area.
I saw an ad in a previous email, but I can't find it now. Where do I look?
Every month the ads are refreshed to give other businesses and organizations the opportunity to reach our families. If you know the date the email was sent, contact us and we'll give you the list of advertisers. You can reach us at lifelonglearning@wcpss.net or you can call us at 919-694-0559.
How can I unsubscribe to the flyer distribution service?
If you no longer want to receive messages from Lifelong Learning, but would like to receive other messages from WCPSS, in the received email unsubscribe from Newsletters using the link at the bottom of the message.